Thursday, April 10, 2014

Quality Corporate Shirts for Women and Men: Buttons Left and Right

How can one tell the difference between custom corporate polo shirts designed for men versus those for women? Aside from the obvious differences in size and silhouette, the way the button is placed on the shirt is a common indicator of “the gender” of a polo shirt.

Men’s shirt buttons are usually placed on the right side and are buttoned left over right. Women’s shirts, on the other hand, have it the other way around, with the buttons placed on the left side and closed right over left.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Want to Promote Company Pride? Issue Quality Custom Company Shirts!

Clothes often provide clues into one’s personality. In the same way, corporate apparel like shirts and overalls help embody a company’s identity. This explains why, according to Human Resources Director (HRD), more than half of businesses in Australia now issue corporate uniforms to their employees.

While some American companies may view corporate uniforms in a different light, it cannot be denied that well-made custom company shirts can be seen as sign of prestige and help promote pride of workplace. Of course, such an effect can only be achieved if the shirt was designed and manufactured according to the highest standards. As such, companies in need of quality corporate apparel would do well to work with a professional clothing and printing agency like Corporate Shirts Direct.